However, consider this, what if we grouped students by their needs in science by using the results of rigorous pre-assessment. In my world, that is a combination of traditional multiple choice and constructed response type questions which needs to include questions on prior knowledge. It would also include some sort of performance based pre-assessment. These performance pre-assessments would emulate the end of unit performance assessment.
In our NGSS curriculum, these are either a physical object and in some cases it is based on developing an explanation (verbal or written). In either case, the result is the teacher receives data on what the students already know. This then allows students to be grouped based on their needs. For the most part, this would only impact the depth and complexity of the final product the group creates. What we must avoid is the age old trap of grouping kids so that there is a "leader" in the group who can teach the rest of the students. Where is this "leaders" opportunity to grow? Let's also be honest in the probability that this leader does most of the work for the other students. Where is there opportunity to learn?

Part two goes from the group level to the individual student. One of the main benefits to going one-to-one is the capacity to serve out a variety of learning objects (video, audio, image, interactive media, etc.) A number of vendors produce products of this type, but I painted myself into somewhat of a corner. With my dogged insistence on locally relevant storylines, no one provider produces learning objects specific to the needs of our curriculum.
With many of the units, I have created eBooks which package related content into one learning object. I have used a package called SoftChalk. It is essentially a WYSIWYG webpage creation tool. I am able to find and organize content from our providers and external sources. These eBooks also help reduce teacher workload. Rather than ten learning objects a teacher has to send to students, they only have to send one. Students can then choose the object they need to understand the concepts. A recent update also includes the capacity to give students immediate feedback on embedded quizzes. For each multiple choice answer, a specific learning object can be identified to provide students with the content they need at that moment.
This is a far as I have gotten so far. Would love to her other ideas.